Planning in Leadership


Most leader understand importance in planning. Most leader in an organization will be comfortable with their job when there is a plan. It will reminds them of their goal. A plan provides a course to take action and helps them get there in most straightforward way.

       Research has shown that most of the organization success if the planning is in a good order. Without a planning, an organization will eventually fail within years. The common problems for failure is fail to planning the right path for the organization. 

      The first thing a leader should know is the the perception of planning. It doesn't have to be something that takes a lot of effort. It can be relatively simple but in order.

Example of basic planning can be given in 3 question :-
  • Where am I now ?
  • Where do I want to go ?
  • What steps it takes to go there ?

It is good to establish a baseline to guide us to where we want to achieve in our goal. From the base, we can slowly develop it to grow and once it grow we need to maintain it and set another goal for better future. We should always look into future to know how to regurlarly develop our next plan. Once you have set your goal. You need to take action on how to implement the goal. Always be aware of your plan and don't rush in making a decision.

Example of a strategic planning cycle. In a simple terms is like this .

  1. Understand
  2. Assess
  3. Validate or modify
  4. Develop
  5. Execute
  6. Monitor and adjust
By following this several steps of planning in an organization. 75% of what you plan should be successful. Again, don't rush in your plan. Take some advice from your colleague for a better adjustment in your plan. It helps a lot by asking people and you can get some different opinion from them.

Once you have your plan. Execute it and monitor it nicely. You must act bravely in making a good decision. Follow the standard order of the planning. The picture show some of the flow in planning. When you understand your flow, it will be much more easier to monitor your plan. Not all plan will succes but if you got a plan it is much better and increase the rate for you to be success. 

Remember !! Success will not come along if you just sit down and monitor it. Be proactive and modify it , transform it to be better for your future. You also can learn from other source of information to upgrade your skill in planning.

Be prepared all the time.


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