
what is organizing

  • function of management which follows planning.  
  • process of establishing orderly uses for all resources within the management system of the organisation
  • the synchronization and combination of human, physical, financial and informative resources 

''organisation is the process of identifying and grouping of the works to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority for the purpose enabling people to work most efficiently'' 

-Louis A.Allen-

Organizing is the next important function management after the planning. Hence organizing refers to the following process:

  • identifying and grouping of the work to be performed
  • defining and determining responsibility and authority for each job position
  • establishing relationship among various job positions
  • determining detailed rules and regulations of working for individuals and groups

The organisational structure is to be designed for some concrete conditions and objective needs of the organisation. The following are the important factors which are to be taken with into consideration in the process of designing the structure:

  • environment
  • technology
  • strategy
  • size
  • forms of aggregating

Organisation function allows the plan prepared under it govern all aspects of its function. The organizing begins after the plan are prepared and governed. This shows the management how the organisation is to be built or how the existing one is modified to ensure that the goals set in the plan are achieved.

This is essential because it facilitates administration as well as operation in the organisation. By the proper grouping of the work and employees, production increases, overload of work is checked, wastage is reduced, duplication of work is restricted and effective delegation becomes possible. It also helps in developing a proper organisation structure.

Organizing facilitates development of the organisational structure which becomes a tool for the management to achieve plans. This organisational structure is to be responsive with the changes in plan. The organisation which has taken the time, energy and money to develop quality plans need management who understands the importance of organizing

Benefits of organizing are as follows:

  • the end result is an organisation consisting of unified parts acting in harmony to execute tasks to achieve goals
  • a properly implemented organizing process results in a clarified work environment
  • coordination and cooperation take place in the group
  • chain of command allows the orderly progression up and down the hierarchy for decision making and communications


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