     Monitoring is one of the factors that need to be apply as a leader. It is a skill that leader should have have for himself and the benefit for the team. Today I will discuss about Monitoring in a leadership
     First monitoring skill as a leader is to follow through on personal commitments and undertakings.This is to making sure everyone can deliver their task by the time provided.A good leader will keep on track about the progress of their team in a proper way without putting pressure on their team.
      A good leader will always understand the difficulty task delivered to their team. This will help one leader understand what their team is doing and also help them handling their task and if necessary a leader can renegotiates dates in advance,when required.Team mates will love this kind of leader in indirectly help the task to be done because no pressure to interrupt the progress.
     While the task is in progress,some team mates might get drifted with the task given. Many factors that can cause this weather internal or external problem. A leader is reliable and keeps the team focused on the delivery outcomes. This will help in making the progress smooth and lessen the mistake in finishing the task.
     A leader should always maintain their goals and try their best to strive to to complete the job successfully. A jobs may be divided into parts to make the jobs easier and for that a leader should maintain focus on the most important goals. This will help the team to finish the task properly and in the time given.
     While the task is in progress,a leader can take personal responsibility for achieving results,just like an owner of the business. This is a self practice for himself to improve the monitoring skill and also prepare himself to be on top one day.Focus to be on top without forgetting people that work for and with you. People will appreciate and respect you as a leader and to EARN respect and not ask to be respect is always the main skill a leader should have.


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