Management Function : Staffing

What is Staffing ?

Staffing management is the management of subordinates in an organization. In large organizations have many of these functions performed by a specialist person or department ( e.g Human resources Dept) but all line managers are still required to supervise and coordinate the activities and ensure the well being of the staff.

Importance of staffing management ?

Efficient staffing management begins by hiring the right people for open positions.

1)Trained Employees Perform Better
When you train our  employees on all aspects of their job and give them insight into other positions in your business, you develop well-rounded individuals who have a working knowledge of their positions and those of their colleagues. Knowledgeable employees are better able to answer customer questions, handle problems and deliver better quality service. Untrained employees who have to find a manager or send people away without help or information can create frustrated customers.

2)Smart Scheduling Streamlines Service

Selecting the right people to work together can create an effective team dynamic that leads to more efficient delivery of products and services. Scheduling all new employees together can create havoc and scheduling all veteran employees together can create a struggle for leadership. Creating a schedule with a complementary mix of personality types will set a balance for harmonious work flow and result in a more efficiently operated shift.

3)Poor Staffing Leads to Business Decline
Untrained and unsupervised staffers can wreak havoc on your business. An employee unfamiliar with your products can sell customers items they don't want or need, creating animosity and resentment; an employee without basic safety knowledge can cause an accident resulting in liability for your company; and too few employees staffing a shift can create long waits for customers who then decide to take their business elsewhere. Effective staffing management can eliminate many of these issues and improve the overall quality of business operations.

Source: Wikipedia


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