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I’m sponsored by BUMI ARMADA NAVIGATION SDN BHD. I sailed in a total of 6 different vessel during my 12 months of training period. My first vessel was Armada Firman, I singed on at Kemaman Anchorage with a total of 5 deck cadets & 7 engine cadets. 3rd November 2015 was the very first time I have stepped on a vessel I was very excited at the same time I was also very nervous and scared because I had never been in such an environment before. Armada Firman is a Workboat vessel it operates as a accommodation vessel for personnel working on a oil & gas platform. During my 3months of practical that vessel was offhired and was being prepared for the pre on hire inspection, so basically I did’t get the opportunity to sail or engaged with any operation where else I was taught do lookout on a anchored vessel and deck works. The first one month on that vessel was very challenging for me because everything was new to me from eating to sleeping everything was different. My 2nd Officer was a ALAM’s ex cadet he guided us throughout the 3 months onboard. Even though I was onboard an anchored vessel he taught us a lot about a offshore vessel engaged in operation. So then all 5 of us had a picture about the operations onboard such mooring operations, cargo operations, and all offshore operations. My first vessel was challenging but it felt home after sometime. My 2nd & 3rd vessel was Armada Tuah 100.  The first time I stepped on this vessel I was very afraid and nervous because before I signed on this vessel my friends who was onboard this vessel previously told me that this vessel is very strict. So when I was assigned to sign on this vessel I was very afraid. The first day I was onboard Armada Tuah 100 I felt like quiting and going back home but later on after my duty I called my mother and talked to her and explained my situation that I was feeling very tension and home sick. She motivated me to not give up so easily and since that moment everytime I had a taught of quiting I think of my parents. The next morning I woke up from bed and reported at the bridge to the officer on duty I realized that the vessel in no more at port but underway to KIKEH OILFIELD. At that moment I felt more afraid because I realize there was no more network onboard to contact my loved ones. As the days past I got use to the situation and people onboard that vessel and I also realize that I was pushed and pressured so hard for my own good. I took it positively and kept working on my mistakes to not repeat it again but improve until one day my chief officer himself started praising that im learning. Armada Tuah 100 was the vessel where I actually learned to be more systematic in my works and duties. When the 2nd time I was onboard Armada Tuah 100 as my 3rd vessel for practical I felt more confident. Armada Tuah 100 is a Offshore Supply Vessel that vessel was engaged in KIKEH OILFIELD for cargo supply run and also static tow operation. Onboard Armada Tuah 100 I learned on how to manoeuvre a vessel engaged on static tow operation and also the first time I experienced life at sea without any communications with my loved ones and the first I saw a Oil & Gas platform with a FPSO (FLOATING PRODUCTION & OFFLOADING TANKER). During my training period onboard Armada Tuah 100 I was transferred to Armada Tuah 303 which is a Platform Supply Vessel as a fourth training vessel. Onboard Armada Tuah 303 I was a very confident due to the training I have been through on Armada Tuah 100.
Image may contain: Karthighesan Jakanathan, sitting and indoor
            Armada Tuah 303 was a vessel engaged at a with a drilling vessel at  Oilfield called Falcon-1. We were carrying Synthetic Base Mud, Oil Base Mud, and also dry bulk cargoes such as Barite & Bentonite. Onboard this vessel I always applied whatever I was taught on my previous vessel and that actually brought a very good impression to myself. At that moment I thanked my officers onboard Armada Tuah 100 and my parents for guiding me to the right path. As time passed it was about time to go home for  a short break. After my break I was singed on to Armada Tuah 305 it is the sister ship of Armada Tuah 303.
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Onboard this vessel is where I meet my most favourite Master. Capt.Sathialingam Sivalingam. The very first day I signed on this vessel I was sent down to the engine room to do the engine room watch for 1 week. The reason I kept him as my idol is because of how he always handle his crews and work very smartly. When I was onboard this vessel the vessel was being prepared for an pre on hire inspection by EXXON MOBIL and this time Capt.Sathia gave me a chance to prove myself that im not just there to waste time. He let me to handle the inspection together with him and ever since than he always kept me with him for every other inspection that was done onboard & finally the vessel passed all the inspection and was chartered by Exxon Mobil and we were instructed to sail to KEMAMAN to deliver the vessel there.  Onboard this vessel I experienced on a long journey sailing which is 3days continuously across the south china sea. Once we reached Kemaman I was again transferred to Armada Firman 2 as my last ship for training. Armada Firman 2 is a Workboat vessel but that vessel was laid up due to some technical problem we were sent there as the activation team and to also prepare the vessel for charterer inspection by Petronas. Onboard this vessel also I was under Capt.Sathia’s supervision and he taught me how to bring a dead ship (laid up ship) to become a active ship. Throughout my 12months onboard I sailed on 6 different ships with 6 different operation at the end of the training session I realized that sailing has brought a lot of changes in me. Mainly on ways to gain knowledge and to never be afraid to learn. I also noticed that knowledge is something that is very wild, the only way to earn that knowledge is by  asking, dont taking things for granted, never be stingy to share the knowledge we have to others and finally to always respect the person who shares the knowledge to you or to the person you are sharing the knowledge to.  
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