Good and bad experience onboard vessel


The first thing that we all know about being a seafarer is MONEY. But money isn’t what I have been looking for, what I wanted is to gain experience and knowledge in how a ship works and obviously to travel around the world. My name is Balamuruggen Muniandy, 21 from Kulim Kedah. I was lucky as I was sponsored by Malaysian shipping company named BUMI ARMADA BHD. Bumi Armada Berhad is a Malaysia-based international offshore energy facilities and services provider with a presence in over 17 countries spread across five continents, supported by over 2,000 people from over 35 nationalities. After I completed my first year studies in ALAM, we have to undergo 1 year of practical sea-service onboard. The first ship that I and 11 other cadets served was MV Armada Firman an Accommodation Workboat which was anchored in Kemaman Anchorage and at first my anxiety level was high as the officers onboard had a fierce looks. Many things were taught to me throughout my service onboard that vessel as a cadet. It took quite some time for me to familiarize the equipment’s onboard and the ships fire plan as well. The officers all at first treated me in quite a harsh way to make me realize the seriousness of the responsibility which will be given to me after I become an officer. As days past, they started to become friendly as they had a faith on us by looking into our work performance. The crews onboard that vessel was all friendly and they taught us deck works like chipping, painting and also mooring operation. Mooring operation was quite tough for me when we were exposed for the first time but as time went we were able to conduct mooring operation without being assisted by the deck crew. Three months had past, time flue really fast. We all received sign off email from company as we completed the contract. All of us was excited to go back home but on the other side we felt sad to leave the crew whom had treated us very nicely and I still remember whatever was taught to me. After few months at home, I received an email to sign on onboard another vessel to continue my journey as cadet. The second ship that I served was MV Armada Tuah 24 an Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessel which was anchored in Labuan Anchorage. The first ship I went onboard was at anchor for three month so I didn’t have any experience ship sailing and the application of ROR. That didn’t last long as the second ship I served brought me till Singapore for 5 yearly maintenance in Keppel Shipyard, Benoi. I had a scary experience when passing through the Singapore Strait where the traffic density was very high at
that time. I learned a lot when we were in dry dock and I even went down the tanks for tank inspection. That was a great experience though. I even had a chance to wander around Singapore with my ship’s captain. I was amazed by looking at the cleanliness maintained in that country and the discipline and courtesy embraced by the citizen there. After docking was completed, ship sailed out to Kemaman anchorage. I had a chance to maneuver the ship which was a bit hard to understand that concept at first and after the assistance of the competent officers onboard that vessel, I gained the confident to maneuver the vessel. The day came again where I had to sign off as per our contract. I was happy because I gained a lot of knowledge and experience on this vessel. The last ship I served onboard was Armada Tuah 303 a Platform Supply vessel was on hired by PETRONAS. The purpose of this ship is to supply all the needs required by PETRONAS charted drilling ship. Onboard this vessel I learned more in detail on ship maneuvering and also DP operation. The three months I spent onboard this vessel was not a waste as I learned more to on bridge work which is really going to be handy for me in future. Paperwork was one of the toughest job for because it requires a good mental strength.
This are the experiences that I gained onboard of Bumi Armada vessels. Confucius had said once “If you teach me I forgot, and if you show me I will remember, but if you involve me I will understand”. That’s what my officers did to me  which makes me confident person and hopefully a competent officer in the future .


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