Good and Bad experience onboard ship


They say only best man can go to the sea then it happen to me. twas good getting onboard of ship.
it was they said, but to experience it firsthand by yourself as a cadet wasn't. surely!!!
My first practical ship is a port klang register named PDZ MEGAH, surrounded by alien I'd say but more like total foreigner. 22 person onboard, 10 Vietnamese, 10 Indonesian another 2 is me and another cadet from Politeknik Ungku Omar. In PDZ MEGAH I only got to finished my seatime at duration 2month 19days because of the suppression from the crew onboard that decided to isolate me just because I refuse to do an engine work, specifically a job from fitter. A bullies, thats a bad one. Don't want to talk it much but that's that.

2nd Ship

MT MINISTAR, the best one I had is a whole week experience a rough sea!! **** yeah I survived that!! Proudly, coz thats experienced you can make fun other who can go through it.

hahaha, no I lied, I throw up for the 1 to 2 day but managed to get a grip and been thinking about home non stop. hurry!! go the piers, jetty, port already!

Good experience?? I can't recall any of it,or probably when the captain say "cadet today is holiday, no work then" hoorrrryyy shhhhhhhieeeettt.

A series of picture of me at boredom state taking a selfie shiyeeeettt.


Durian? Twass good but this is during cargo operation. NH3 stuff :/

Enclosed space. ZZZZZZ

Chillin blahblahblah

Holiday but no shoreleave


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