Good and Bad experience onboard

Good day everyone

Lif at sea is fully of adventure and interesting experiences .Even with the latest technologies an ocean voyage ca be quite exciting .as  a bonus we can travel around the  , visit exoctic destination and enjoy sunsets all over the world….well that was my thought before im was sponsored by Bumi Armada but luckily I got sponsored hahahaha…. .Bumi armada is a Malaysia –based international offshored .During my cadetship onboard they don’t want send cadets outside of Malaysia because of some reason so their sign on me onboard a 4 ship ,workboat ,AHTS ,PSV,AHTS… okayla better than nothing .

First day onboard , I felt like wtf im doin’ here ,what supposed do I do ,why im here ?? I saw all people have fierce face …nobody smile .yeah I admit it quite awkward and a little bit scared .After a few days onboard I start to blend in with the crew , joined task with them , ate together and heard their story .Finally I understand why the first time I met them they were moody ..So here is the thing ,The best part in seafarer life is the moment you sign off …so the bad is a lots of crew onboard already overdue but don’t have replacement for them so they need to stay up until new crew sign on … pity them .

During 1 year onboard ,there a lots of thing that I have been learned , of course from the training book …but there other thing that I learned from onboard do you organized yourself ,time ,your rest ,to communicate with others ,safety,respect others race ,religion and rank also the culture …and the most important thing how to ‘ mengular’ .

The food also’ bole tahan la ‘ different cook different style .. I remember when  was onboard AHTS at100 … everytime got festival celebration we will do BBQ but follow the theme …its variety of food that can be found on BBQ.As a cadet we need to entertain the crew by performing as per festival theme.. from here we know how the seafarer enjoy onboard of ship ..all the workload stress longing home were gone for a while….just for a while oniii… but we enjoy it.
BBQ geng

The worst part is when you are facing 4- 5 meter of wave with 45 knot of wind in the middle of the south china sea ocean ….that was a nightmare for me ..rolling up to 20-25 deg head also start to ‘pusing2’ and vormiting again n again …haiiyooo..all stuft dropped sliding from port to starboard .The bridge was a mess .At that time we were engaging with drill ship ,supply mud for the operation. The weather sudden pickup and we manage to cast out from drill ship..that was lucky for us .That the worst la I can say…
So that it from me..thanks 
engage with drill ship


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