Myself TANENDRAN A/L RAJENDRAN had been sailing in 2 oil tanker ships of my valued sponsor EAGLE STAR (known as AET) to complete my sea time of 12 months for cadetship. So, i was too excited to enter a new phase of my life where i had never been to overseas and never been away from home for this long. My anxiety level was really high as i've heard many stories from my seniors who had already finish their seatime. Left airport on the last day of 2015 with hope to explore the new lifestyle waving back to my loved family and friends.
                Once i stepped on to the gangway, i have felt the excitement and fear of my life for the next 6 months. But it all turned really upside down when i found the crew and officers were really friendly and supportive as im very fresh on ship. One of the very good experience that i went through was we had a party onboard when the ship was at anchorage. It was really joyful as we tend to forgot that we are away from home and refreshed from hectic working hours.


                     As all seafarers, i also had a very good time in my life while roaming around in United States as i went for shore leaves. That was really awesome because i could see different side of the world and met new people from different culture.Those moments are always in heart <3.

Shore leave in Houston,Texas

                   As a coin had double side, sea life also had some though memories and experiences. First of all, was the rolling experience. I have never been through such experience in my life before and it made me really stronger than before.Almost two days it lasted and took away all my fear on ship when its sailing on heavy weather. Other than that, another bad experience i went through was during ship was in dry dock. Almost one month i was not having enough sleep due to the overloaded works going on day and night. Since im new to the environment, i had to look over all the jobs which were carried out prior to dry dock and also during dry dock. Even tough it was tiring physically but i took it as a golden opportunity to gain more knowledge about ships structure from top to bottom.

Well as a cadet onboard , i had learned the life of seafarer in and out. It gave me the courage to continue my carrier as a merchant navy officer in future. Waiting to join ship as an officer soon!!
Thank you :)


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