Experience onboard

Experience on-board ship 

      During my one year shipboard training, I learned a lot of things regarding life and work. I still remember the first day I stepped on ship. My first ship was Armada Firman, an accommodation workboat. I was instructed to sign on at Kemaman, Terengganu. There were 12 of us engine and deck cadets assigned by our company for that ship. As I entered the accommodation, they separate us to 3 groups since one cabin can occupied 4 crews. After packing our stuffs inside the cabin, we went to the bridge to pass the important documents such as discharged book, passport and other certificates. We received very warm welcome from the crews on board. My chief mate was an Indonesian, he was a nice guy and taught me a lot since I know nothing regarding the operation and basic things we should know.

      We start to work from 0800H to 1700H everyday doing deck work. We start chipping and painting all over the deck. Then we go for lunch and have a 1 hour break. My bosun was an easy going guy as long as we finished our job on time. By dinner time, we go to the mess room and enjoyed good food. My chef is superb as he always cook different menu every day. The best thing about our vessel is we have extra budget for food and beverages. Our vessel dry and wet food store are always full with food. By the time we finished our dinner, we go to the bridge to learn how to apply the correction for charts, paper works and many more.

      Our vessel have many kinds of entertainment such as karaoke room, satellite television, darts, table tennis and gymnasium. I always go and have fun with all the crews during weekend or free time. This is the only time we can create the bond between us, in other time we always busy with operations. Moreover, I get the chance to see my favorite football team on weekend since ‘Astro’ is available. Furthermore, I can keep myself up to date with the latest news inside and outside the country with Wi-Fi. If the satellite channel is not functioning, we play darts or table tennis. I was the champion of table tennis in our vessel.
    One of the forgettable moments onboard is when our vessel hitting big waves when leaving the Kemaman port. I was at the forward station with my bosun. We are proceeding out from the west wharf after finished loading fresh water. By the time we are leaving, weather start picking up from 8 knots to 30 knots. My chief mate still calmly maneuver to the anchorage area. The waves was around 3-4 meters. I never thought I will face such big waves but I am fully prepared with raincoat and full personal protective equipment (PPE). The big waves suddenly hit us at the forward station and we cannot stand with the power of it. My bosun fell down but lucky never hit anything. I managed to hold the mushroom ventilators for 3 minutes. It was a new experience for me. My crew told the same story that weather in Kemaman can be so calm but dangerous when picking up and don’t underestimate the power of nature can do to you. I was thinking how the small fishing boats survive in the middle of the sea. After our vessel dropping anchor and secured everything on loose, I had a talk with my bosun. Now I know why everyone onboard so particular about safety and personal protective equipment (PPE).

      As the end of my shipboard training is coming to the end, I am adapted with the life and environment at sea. I study and enjoy every little minute of it. I think one year is not enough for me to gain knowledge from my superior. I feel lucky to have very understanding officers that willingly to teach me from scratch until I become who I am today. They never ask anything in return and want me to join them as soon as possible. One of my captain once said next time he sees us make sure you are the officer on my vessel. It boost my spirit to become better. Last but not least, all the experiences I had during my shipboard training I see it from positive side and take it as lesson for me to become competent officer in the future.


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