My Idol: Sayyidina 'Ali 

 Good day my friends, today i would like to share with you  someone whom i think made a huge impact to the Muslim world, Sayyidina Ali Bin Abi Talib.

Who Is Ali?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was under Ali's father , Abu Talib care after the death of prophet mother's Aminah and his grandfather, Abdul Mutalib. Ali since his childhood lived with prophet, Rasulullah took Ali  under his care because he has grown to like him. In fact, the name Ali himself was given by prophet Muhammad. Under Rasullulah's care, he received  education directly from the prophet and inherit the prophet's wisdom and knowledge.

A Brief Biography of Ali

Name               : Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Mutalib
Bani                 : Bani Hasyim
Birth Date        : 10 years before prophet Muhammad's apostolic
Birth place       : In Kaaba, Mecca
Relation           : Cousin and son-in-law of prophet Muhammad
Post                 : 4th caliph of Khulafa Ar-Rasyidin

Period of reign : 4 years

First Child to Embrace Islam

 During his childhood he lived among the community that worship idol or also known as
Jahiliah, but never in his life did he worshipped those idol till he was blessed with the name
Karamallahu Wajhah meaning that Allah preserve his face from prostrate or worship any of the       
Jahiliah idols and the name itself was the prayers from prophet himself. Ali also never tainted or    
influenced by any of Jahiliah bad behaviour and was propmised by Rasullulah to be one of the
10 companions that guaranteed to be in the absolute paradise.

Longstanding scholar.

            Sayyidina Ali was known to be a very knowledgable person in various fields like literature, jurisdiction and mathemathics. Moreover he is said  to be the first the first person to study and understand Quran by heart. Another proof that Ali was an amazing scholar is an authenthic hadith reported by Muslim

Fair and just leader

        He was appointed by Rasulullah to be judge at Yaman and he turned out to be a bold judge. He is also a creative leader since his various method in solving problems able to solve the He is also the first person to create Muslim's police force called As- Syurtah 

Hopefully all of you find something meaningful from this post



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