5 popular apps that u can't let ur child have on their phone

this entry is just list of few apps that u can't let ur child have on their phone..
maybe u have ur own probiden apps list for ur child, and obviously there a lot of
bad apps that u cannot let ur child have..

this is just my list.if u have something to add just leave it in the comment..


Actually this is some kind of app that hacker use to know something about u..ur place ur name ur address ur job..just to take some time they will give u some task for u to complete..the task also very ridiculous such as do SUICIDE..

 this some kind of public video call app..it allow u to watch or make a video call..the problem is this apps is less filter..some of the user is naked during the video call to gain some point or like. 
this is some kind of chatting app that also have video call feature..it allow u to search people near u that using this app also..just imagine how if the people near ur child get to know ur child and simply ask them out.? 

this is a app that allow u to post pic or video or some entry..the problem is this app doesnt have filter..many of them use this app just to post some sexy pic or porn video.


It is some kind of interesting game actually..maybe because ur child is so noob that make my team lost and that why i dont want ur child to have this apps..HAHAHAHA.. 😈😈


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