MGoPro: Skydiving - Johor, Malaysia Vol. 1 PART 3

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. This entry is the story extension of MGoPro: Skydiving - Johor, Malaysia Vol. 1 PART 2.

Me and my partner onboarding the Cessna Airplane

As I onboard the airplane, my heart pumps rapidly. Before onboard, the jump master will make the last check of our equipment.

Plane going up, up and away

As I get up there, the view was superb. It's like you have the bird's eyes and everything seen so small. As higher the plane gets, my heart keeps on pumping rapidly and it was like impossible to stop. 

View from the top inside of the plane

As the high achieved 3,000 feet from the ground, we are ready to jump. I was the first one out due to my weight is heavier than my partner.

 Me jumping out of the airplane

As I jumped out, the parachute deployed orderly and everything went well. I was speechless when I was stunned by the magnificent view of the skies and earth and witness the beauty of mother nature.

The magnificent view I was talking about

Other participants jumping out of the airplane

 It was almost ten minutes I was on air and it finally came the time for me to land. Thankfully, I landed safely (yet needed more training and work on that) without any injuries.

One of the landing view

To be continued...MGoPro: Skydiving - Johor, Malaysia Vol. 1 PART 4 (Final PART)....


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