Types of Whey Protein: For Those Who Wants to Get Big

Types of  Whey Protein: For Those Who Wants to Get Big

This particular post is for those who wants to bulk up fast, while getting a basic understanding of  whey protein, without all the scientific nonsense.

What is Whey protein?

Whey is a type of protein found in cows milk. It is the liquid by product when cheese is made from milk. The liquid is dried up and turned to powder. That's it. As simple as that.

Whey Concentrate

This is the cheapest form of whey protein, which undergoes the most basic process to produce. Whey Concentrate contains a lot of the nutrition initially  found in milk. It also contains carbohydrates (in the form of Lactose which may cause gassy stomach). Protein content is usually 70-80 %

Whey Isolate

This type of whey protein undergoes a more advanced processing method. The Lactose and Cholesterol is removed. Leaving around 95% protein concentration. This also makes the price higher.

Whey Hydrolysate

This form of whey protein is pre-digested (hydrolyzed), making the protein concentration the highest, with the fastest digestive rate. It also means that some of the nutritional elements is destroyed. Whey Hydrolysate is the most expensive ( for the hardcore gym rats ).  

There you have it, Whey Protein as simple as it gets.


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