Planet of the Apes
So,last weekend i watched "Planet of the Apes" movie,so here is the synopsis of this movie.

On that night,again soldiers attack all the apes and this time,Caesar's wife and kids died.Caesar was so angry so he decided to look for the Commando ( soldiers leader).Caesar want to revenge for his family.he wanted to kill commando.Caesar give order to all his fellow to move to other safer place.Caesar decided to not be with others because of his revenge.Caesar walk miles away to find soldiers base just to kill commando until one day,he was caught by soldier.In the prison he saw all his fellow.Caesar was so disappointed with himself.One of the apes said "don't be like Koba" to him.Koba is their past leader,Koba was killed because of his anger to soldiers.

So basically this movie is not much about war,its about apes trying to escape for the prison at the soldiers base.These apes is tortured and when Caesar see this,He offer himself to be tortured.Caesar also talk to commando to let other apes eat because they were not given food from the day the were arrested.
While in the prisons,Caesar plan with the other apes to get out from the prison.Apes was forced to work without food and water.Ceasar want to talk to commando to ask him to give food and water and Caesar explain to commando it wasn't him that attack human before,it was Koba.Commando dont want the offer.

After days in the prisons,the day for them to run from the prisons has come.Apes lead by Ceasar get the chance to run from the prisons,but soldier saw them,and shoot the apes,Caesar blow up the soldier base and get to run before the base explode.
The one i watched is the sequence from num 1&2.Planet of the Apes is a story about human and talking apes.I didn't watch the 1st and 2nd movie but guys,thats okay because you can still understand the movie.
In this movie,a big group of Apes was attacked by human soldiers.Why these human want to attack them?
People's believe these ape are dangerous and wild,but wait! This is my first thought on the movie at the beginning.When soldiers attack these apes,they fight back and apes won the fight,Apes take few of soldiers as hostage,at first,apes want to kill this hostage hut then Caesar (leader of the apes) decided not to kill the hostage.Caesar ask others to realise the soldier.Why Caesar release them? Ceasar said,that is as a message to other soldiers that Apes want peace.
On that night,again soldiers attack all the apes and this time,Caesar's wife and kids died.Caesar was so angry so he decided to look for the Commando ( soldiers leader).Caesar want to revenge for his family.he wanted to kill commando.Caesar give order to all his fellow to move to other safer place.Caesar decided to not be with others because of his revenge.Caesar walk miles away to find soldiers base just to kill commando until one day,he was caught by soldier.In the prison he saw all his fellow.Caesar was so disappointed with himself.One of the apes said "don't be like Koba" to him.Koba is their past leader,Koba was killed because of his anger to soldiers.
So basically this movie is not much about war,its about apes trying to escape for the prison at the soldiers base.These apes is tortured and when Caesar see this,He offer himself to be tortured.Caesar also talk to commando to let other apes eat because they were not given food from the day the were arrested.
After days in the prisons,the day for them to run from the prisons has come.Apes lead by Ceasar get the chance to run from the prisons,but soldier saw them,and shoot the apes,Caesar blow up the soldier base and get to run before the base explode.
Finally all the apes escape to a safer place.but Ceasar realised he was shot and he die as they arrived their new home.
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